Thursday, August 8, 2013

Last hura and a goodbye or at least a heartfelt until we meet again

Hello Readers,

Today's post is a bit of a last hura and a goodbye or at least a heartfelt until we meet again.

I added some new content to the blog and gave it a little more structure some of the changes are hard to see but they will hopefully give my blog a more organized feel.

I started "Brando's Blog" back in 2008 and while I didn't do as much with it as I had hoped it still was a lot of fun to work on and create.

Due to the overall use of social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter the posts to this blog will be few and far between. (as if they haven't been already ha ha) and in truth may stop entirely at some point.

As I look back at my posts from day one up to now I find myself smiling and on occasion laughing it's always funny to look back and see how much and in some cases how little things change as we mature and come into our own as they say.

If you wish to stay up to date on all things "Brandon" or contact me then your best option(s) would be to see the "Contact Brandon" area of this blog.

I have very much enjoyed creating this blog and I hope that you have enjoyed reading it.

I am now 20 years of age and can see the changes clear as day and in regards to that and after giving this blog some though I have decided to for the most part close the book on "Brando's Blog."

I wish any and all who have and or still do read this blog the best and a heartfelt thank you for your interest.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Life after High School and the wonderful world of collage

Hello Readers,

First off let me start by saying sorry for the huge lack of posting but life has been busy as usual.

I officially graduated from Waukesha South High School on June 9th of 2012 and have been attending Waukesha County Technical Collage (WCTC) sense last August.

I'm not going to lie, collage has been a lot harder to get used to than I had first thought it was going to be, but on the bright side it helped me to discover one of my true passions, Information Technology.

Life after graduation as one might expect or just know deep down does little to live up to the grand expectations most high school seniors place on it from day one of their senior year through graduation. And after one eventually comes down from cloud 9 and once again begins to think practically, the comical ah-ha moment comes along and leads us to the almost inevitable conclusion that the expectations talked about above, were the primary driving force that allowed most of us to get through our senior year of high school. Moreover, we discover upon further examination that these expectations were the byproduct of the 11+ years of hard work, blood, sweat, tears, frustration and over all desire to "get the hell out!" as some would say.

I mean lets face it people, after the long winded "class appointed" speaker finally gets the hint to shut the ***BLANK*** up and get off the stage and everyone gets there diploma after of course, playing the role of the aspiring politician that has to shake every hand that comes within 5 feet of them with a photo shoot going on in the background, it’s like someone pulls a silent fire alarm. You don't walk you run for that damn door that at the time you would swear were the gates of Heaven opening wide. And that ironically enough, might as well have been the gates of hell just a few weeks prior.

And now we move on to collage, where once again, you are at the bottom of the pile and a number, at least for starters. Sound familiar? It should, its a lot like high school in those respects at first with just a hint of prison minus the tacky safety orange jump suit and mug shot.

Well ok, so you still have to deal with the mug shot for your student ID card but on the bright side they tend to do a slightly better job than the local DMV...only slightly.

Big surprise, the general education system does and can do absolutely nothing at all to prepare you for the cut throat  world that is collage and to the same token, nothing I could put on this blog could hope to come close to doing that either. Just keep in mind that just about everything in life can be turned into a learning experience and that nothing in life worth doing is ever easy.

Thanks for Reading,

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